Recycling makes old things into new things without having to fill up land fills that take years and years to break down.
You can start a recycling center at your home. Have an
easy-to-get-to bin in your home to put stuff that can be recycled. Have someone take it out to the big recycling bin in the garage when it gets full. Here is a picture of mine. I upcycled a plastic basket that my mom had in the basement for this project. It has handles, so it easy to carry. I put a cute recycling sign in a page protector, then taped it to the side.
In the garage above the recycling can, I put up a poster that I made about recycling. Above that I put a list of all the things that our city will recycle. This is a great idea because it gets us thinking about all the different things that we can recycle. Look on your own city's website to print off a list of things your community recycles.
Since I have created our home recycling center, everyone in the family puts a bigger effort into sorting and recycling the trash. We know more about how recycling works in our neighborhood. It has gotten us in to good recycling habits.
Are any of you going to start a recycling center in your own home?
I want to hear about it if you do!
i love your ideas wouldnt it be grate if webkinz went green i have been asking webkinz for that