Thursday, September 2, 2010

Making Earth Friendly Home Cleaners

Did you know that some of the chemicals in household products can harm people, animals, and plants? They can pollute the air, water and soil. I decided to make some natural cleaning products for our house so my family can be cleaner and greener!

Glass Cleaner:

1/2 cup white vinegar

4 cups water

a spray bottle

Mix vinegar and water in the spray bottle. Spray glass with the mixture and wipe off dirt with newspaper.

This recipe works so well. I like how you can reuse newspaper to wipe off the cleaner. I was surprised that it works better than the windex and paper towels we were using before!

Furniture Polish:

1 ounce lemon juice

2 ounces cooking oil

a plastic bottle

Mix lemon juice and oil in a plastic bottle. Pour a little on the furniture and polish with a clean, soft cloth.

My dad was worried about this recipe. He wasn't sure it would work, but he let me experiment. We polished one half of the coffee table with my solution and one half with our store-bought polish. Geuss what? Mine worked better!

Both of these recipes are healthy, green, and money saving ways to clean your house.

Is anyone going to try my recipes? Does anyone have other green household cleaner recipes or tips that they want to share? I'll send a prize to the best idea!


  1. I will try the window cleaner. Keep up the good work. Love Ca Grandma

  2. I have a good recipe for cleaning the sink drain. Put 1/4 of a cup of baking soda in drain, then pour 1/2 cup of vinegar over it. It will sizzle and foam and clean it up. Debby l.

  3. I'm really anxious to try the window cleaner. I seem to have lots of fingerprints after the grandkids have visited! Love your blog! Grandma Lloyd (or Granny as Max would say!)

  4. I just thought of a cleaning trick I use (I learned it from my mother). To clean silverware, line the bottom of your sink with aluminum foil and add salt. Place silverware in sink and fill with water. The silverware gets clean without a lot of work.
